Today I'm going to be a little more personal. This is a picture I took for a project that isn't going to be needed. I figured why waste it. A lot happens in 24 hours. Yesterday I heard from a friend that a much needed conversation finally happened. I was grateful for that, but it left me feeling somewhat emotional. All evening I felt like I was a pan of water that was almost to that boiling point but not quiet there. I wasn't sure what was up. I know now, the water finally boiled. I heard this song last night that really touched me about who I am and who I need to continue to be. It is called Anyway. I tried to put it on my blog today, but I don't know how!! The window represents how I feel right now. As you can see you can't really see out or in for that matter. What I really know about me today is it doesn't really matter anyway! I would have invested myself and loved ANYWAY! Even if I could have seen in the window.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Posted by Beth at 10:00 AM
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1.go to you tube and look for the song. the description to the right of the video, there will be the word 'embedded' and under that there will be a box with code in it.
3.copy and paste that in you posting and write your comment under it.
so right now, go to your post page a click on 'edit posts'. then click edit on your posting for today. create a space on the bottom of your post and copy & paste the song/video. preview and publish! my michigan number is the same out here if you have anymore questions. also if you go to blogspot help, they have instructions for almost everything you want to do!
i loved your personal post today....
which is exactly why i love you with every inch of my heart. and not in an i love you sort of way but a true i love you sort of way you know?
i want to give you a great big hug right now....
blogging can be so good....and so torturous for those of us on far away islands.....
love you.
how did I miss this one? And you said you couldnt write? You touched me with this my friend...
...and truly, even thought it may be is good to just do it anyway!
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