Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Artist formerly known as PRINCE

You all remember Prince..........I came across this old picture of him today, I thought everyone might enjoy seeing it! I liked some of his songs in the 80's! Of course I liked a lot of things in the 80's that I don't so much now, but I still love 80's music!!!!! What do you think of this Artist?


the laundress said...

I LOVE PRINCE...I went on my first date with that one guy to see PURPLE RAIN...

...funny, I never noticed how much he resembled pwdrd donuts!

Krista said...

prince himself is kinda creepy, but i do happen to like music about sex, so although 'the artist formerly known as' is questionable, he does have some good music.....i think george michael falls in the same category.....
hey can i say that? can i say i like music about sex? cuz i do, and i'm practicing letting go of there you have it.....

pwdrd donuts said...

Wow - I freaking RULE! Love this.

krista - check out some Paula Cole "Feelin' Love" and "Carmen"

Heather and I love these songs.

Sorry my blog is so LAMO these days. LOTS going on right now and I am so far behind at work. This was a nice moment for me.

heather b said...

funny...really really funny...hoping we can come soon...get my new car tomorrow...

pwdrd donuts said...

Don't even mess with me...I'm all over it.

Our Family said...

okay....sorry beth. but it was the werkin it statement on matts blog that put me over the edge.

Desire of Great Love said...

this rawks my sawks!!!

heather b said...