Friday, May 16, 2008

Quick Cup!

Carolyn stopped over while I was painting the trim around my door outside. We stopped for a quick cup of coffee and a little loafing! Not really, she doesn't even have coffee in her mug. The whole thing was staged just to be funny. The funny thing is that it made my day! Last night I was in a cranky crank mood. Then I got in the hot tub last night with John....went to breakfast with John.....then this fake coffee thing on the front porch more cranky crank! Although I will say this is a terrible picture of me I can't believe I'm posting this, I guess I have changed a little. I mean seriously it kind of looks like an elephants ankle got put on the side of my neck!!


the laundress said...


i so would have never posted this on my I really look like that?


glad ur out of the cranky cranks

heather b said... guys look like quite a diatribe.....what the heck is a diatribe???? Carolyn, you are too smart for me.....'s not really an elephant ankle....I think you look quite young in that that how you spell do rag? is it one word or two? guys are tricky and HILARIOUS!!! WE WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN YOU WERE FOOLIN US!!!!!! YOU ARE SO CLEVER AND FUNNY AND HILARIOUS!!!!

the laundress said...

Diatribe: a lengthy discourse, usually sharply bitter or critical....actually I probably used it a little out of context...I got the lengthy discourse right...just not the tone!

and i believe doo rag is the correct spelling...two words, two o's!

Desire of Great Love said...

it does not look like that!!!

You look beautiful & happy.

Krista said...

not nice. not nice at all.
some of us are lonely and your rubbing it in. w/e.

Krista said...

btw beth.
i actually think it's a really cute picture of you....

pwdrd donuts said...
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pwdrd donuts said...

pwdrd donuts said...
Missy Elliot called. She wants her doo rag back. Carolyn, since I've still not met you face to face I can say, "NO WAY - This does NOT look like you at all!"

I want some Tims. (Coffee)

pwdrd donuts said...

Oh, and if you scroll back and forth between Amanda in the hot tub, and you on the front porch - tell me, what is the difference besides the doo rag? Nothing. You look exactly the same. And yes, that means you look about 22 Beth. You can't help it, it's the way God made you.

Kelle said...

Rocking chairs on the porch and coffee? Heaven!