Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fun In The Sun!

I don't know if the day was everything Krista was hoping for, but..............I sure had a nice and relaxing time. It was a perfect day to hang out with friends by the pool a little food, a little margarita, a little chit chat, a little laying out equals a whole lot of fun!


heather b said...

This looks like you guys had a blast. Wishing I was there and hoping you are enjoying each other!!

Krista said...

ummm, are you kidding me?!
best day ever. seriously....
just wish we could have continued into the evening so i could have experienced all those sounds and smells you wouldn't shut up about!! :O) love you.

the laundress said...

it was "da bomb"...but next time, seriously...maybe say something like "carolyn...but some dang sunblock on or ur gonna look like felix the lobster girl"

honestly, i would get the part of "bob" at a vegy tale audition!

Our Family said...


Amy said...

How much fun!!! What a great time...margaritas around the pool...now that's my kind of day!! Sign me up!