Friday, July 11, 2008

A Couple More and Nolans B-Day!

I had to put a couple more pictures from up north on the post......I swear I could of put all of them on, it was a perfect day for picture taking!!!
Then Wednesday it was Krista's sons birthday. He is a trip, I was trying to get a picture of him all day and he wouldn't look at the camera.......he finally did and with a smile. Isn't he adorable? The girls triple decker mount was pretty good too! What a fun day!


Amy said...

Look at those freckles! So cute! I love daughter is starting to get some...yay!!

What fun pictures! Again, I want a pool...hubby and I were just talking this morning about a pool...I want to wait until our youngest is 6 or 7...but he says that's when the kids get bad...jumping off roofs, fences, etc. He had a pool growing up and was so bad...I was the rule followerer...I wonder who will win. ;)

Love your pictures!