Thursday, August 14, 2008


Watering my flowers this morning really had me thinking.........I have been watering them regularly either me or one of my girls, but I haven't taken the time to prune them. Today I had a nice morning of pruning! It really got me thinking about how they need more attention then a quick watering.......and that sometimes you can over water too! I had to throw some to the trash today that just had been neglected for toooooooo long and there was No turning back. All of this reminded me of people and relationships. do well and grow need just the right amount of watering and pruning too! Sometimes you have relationships that never do any pruning and they just kind of exist and do OK because watering will keep them alive, but they never really grow. Then you have relationships that don't get watered much and all the sudden they are dead......if your lucky some "Miracle"Grow and some extra attention will bring them back to life. Whick by the way takes a lot of work. Unfortunately sometimes they are dead for good! Then sometimes in relationships somebody wants too much all the time and that is over watering and those die too! I realized today that the relationships that are important to me need watering and pruning regularly to grow to the fullest! It might seem like it takes more work.......but let me tell you with the flowers it is a lot more work to try to bring it back to life once it is dead!


Kim said...

You are a very insightful lady!


Anonymous said...

That is so awesome Beth! You are very good at taking care of your "flowers". You always give them what they need to grow. This "flower" has grown so much since It met you seven years ago" I pray that It can be more like you! Thanks!

Kelle said...

Okay...seriously, your flowers look amazing. I kill all flowers...not figuratively as I do love relationships, but literally? Nothing green grows in this house! Maybe if I had a chic copper watering can like yours, they'd live!

the laundress said...

true words sister...true words!

pwdrd donuts said...

This is sweet Beth.

Is is possible to prune with your bare hands? Cuz right now I can think of a couple of people I want to smack! :) Not you though. (Count yourself lucky)

Anonymous said... are so funny! Beth, I think your flowers have had enough watering...some made need to be smacked around a little, but enough watering. I need to see a new post!