Monday, September 29, 2008

Proud Mom!

What a great week last week and weekend! Busy but great........Tori finished up all her pictures that she is going to use. She is going to be artist of the month at an area coffee shop for October! The first picture is one of hers a self portrait! Amanda had her first game as a Middle School Cheerleader......she did great! Always a smile nice and loud and precise moves! Most of all she had a blast cheering with her friends and for her cousin out on the field! Andrew made his first points at football! He made the 2 point conversion........see him in the left hand corner of the picture. Couldn't be prouder of all my kids!


Desire of Great Love said...

I love all the pictures! Tori is AMAZING- love that self-portrait of her :)
Amanda looks so happy and Andrew looks so buff in his uniform! You should be proud :)

Carin said...

yes, you should be proud.

what sweet, sweet reflections of your parenting.

you're a great mom, beth.

Kim said...

That is so cool, we'll have to be sure to go see her work displayed!

what a great (and busy) mom you are!

Our Family said...

love the pics beth...and understand the feeling:)

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

what a MOM!

big weekend...
big successes! :)