Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning......Noon......And.......Night!

I take a picture here every year of them waiting on the top of the steps to come down to see what Santa brought! And every year I say what do you think Santa brought you?

Andrew got some drums and they all got Wii to share I mean we all got Wii to share!

Amanda was still a little under the weather so she bundled up in her new blanket it was a GREAT day! We went to my sisters that night and that was LOTS of FUN too! I love my family! Here are just a few of the pictures, I took so many! I got a new lens for Christmas! Top 3 pictures old lens the rest new lens. Santa is always so good to me! I love him too by the way!


Krista said...

....glad you had such a nice Christmas...hope Amanda is feeling better!

Desire of Great Love said...

Looks like you had an AWESOME xmas! I'll bet youre super excited about your lens- the pictures look amazing!!! yay!
Hope your little Amanda is feeling better :( It's no fun to be sick while you're on holiday break!