Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Fun!

Basketball is back in session and Amanda had her first Cheerleading competition. I know I have said it before but I love watching my kids doing what they love to do. Being and becoming who they are. Great people! I also enjoyed working last week it was challenging but there were some things I really liked. Today Andrew is sick so I couldn't go I feel bad but he puked in the night and was up most of the night. I'm sure it is only my 4th day. Oh well kids first then job. Pray no one else gets it! I'm still in my jammies and it feels good especially since I was up and out the door on Saturday at 7:15.


Our Family said...

did you get a job???

Beth said...

I got a 30 day full time job as a paraprofessional. I was a sub and they have a trial one on one they wanted me to do. If it becomes permanent they will post it within first. Then if no one that works part-time wants it then I could apply. Not sure I want full time though......we shall see at the end of this! I think I would like part-time better. I am having fun though. A little bit challenging I will say, but enjoying it!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

oh i do hope no one else gets that silly bug!

i was just looking at my eldest yesterday... admiring HOW they grow into their OWN person! Like you said... "becoming who they are"... it is such a joy to see! well i could pass on the over-inflated drama... but i guess that is part of it too! :)

enjoy your day... stay in those jammies as long as you can!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Good luck Amanda in V-ball tryouts!

Carin said...

LOVE the middle one of amanda and her friend..SO CANDID! they look so happy!

you're such a good mom, juggling your kids and all their activities with your own life and you STILL manage to be an AMAZING friend that I couldn't live without.

I did for a few months, remember? and it sucked. (tearing up now)

SO glad you're in my life.


Desire of Great Love said...

awww... the pics are fab as always and looks like they're having so much fun!

I hope your baby gets better soon! All these dang bugs going around! Poor lil guy...

<3 ya :) & good luck w/ the job whatever you decide.