Monday, April 28, 2008

Basketball Boy!

OK -I tried to do the cool mosaic picture thing and it didn't work. But here are two pictures from Andrew's game last week. One him shooting! 14 points! The other him leaning on the coach during a time-out(his dad)! I love this one, it is so sweet. I love going to all the games I get so into them, it's like their the Pistons! I really have to get my butt off the computer I wasted to much time trying to do something more with these pictures. I just wanted to show more. Now I have to get to working out and then to the grocery store, I have just been so feckless with my time this morning!!!!!!!


Krista said...

feckless?!! you need to quit hanging out with the laundress....seriously....i had to look it up on thought maybe it was like f-ing reckless of something.....that's it! no more laundress for you!

Beth said...

I know she is giving me a word a day from 100 words every high shool student should know!!!hahahahah

heather b said...

I love these pictures. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the one of John and Andrew. Don't you love affection between a dad and son? Great job capturing it. You'll treasure that one.

heather b said...

oh...and you're new background matches your kitchen. You're so clever!

Desire of Great Love said...

just don't start using the word "Fetch" as in "That's So Fetch..." LOL

I LOVE the pictures of Andrew- he's grown SO much!
You must be so proud.
I miss your & your beautiful family!!!