Friday, July 18, 2008

Swimming Under The Moon

We have had a lot of friends over this week! It has been so hot it's great you either have to be inside in the air or in the pool! We picked the pool!! Even Molly Girl had a friend sisters dog Moe! The best moment of the week for me was last night. The kids each had some friends over at different times this week and I made a campfire each night for them. But last night after everyone went home about 10:45 Andrew and I were swimming under the moon! Then John and the girls joined us. I love swimming at night! I wish the camera could have captured all the stars too! It was a beautiful night that topped off a beautiful week!


Carin said...

LOVE the moon shot and the dogs through the screen!

heather b said...

These pics are precious!! I love the doggies! Moe has gotton so big!